Still prepping, just not enough every week to post about it all the time. Since the last time I thought about my weekly preps I’ve started learning about winter gardening and ordered some heirloom seeds. I’ve been spending time reading and thinking about being self sufficient instead of just buying a bunch of crap. I did get a couple new books and a surplus ALICE pack. Also spent a lot of time on our new rental…
Looking back on last year…
I had a good 2017. Spent more time with family. Figured out who and who isn’t family. Made some new friends. Learned about “kith and kin.” Got rid of a lot of junk. Completed CERT training. Started learning about permaculture. Went back to school. Picked up a rental property. That’s the good stuff. On the down side, I still waste time worrying about crap I can’t control.
Looking forward to next year…
For next year I want to mainly focus on building kith and kin relationships. Become more self sufficient. Learn to garden and trap. Spend time in the outdoors with my family. Lose 20 lbs. of fat. Gain 10 lbs. of muscle. Get in good enough shape to ruck a 60 lb. pack anywhere I need to go. Catch fish. Grow pumpkins. Get a good heirloom seed collection going. Live a live that honors the memory of my parents, grandparents, and ancestors…
I read something interesting that I agree with. I can’t quote it exactly because my memory sucks. To paraphrase though…
“Prepping isn’t about surviving no matter what. We’re all going to die no matter how well we prep. Instead, prepping is about having the ability to pass on your values.”
I’m sure I left something out, but that sums it up pretty good IMO. That’s what I’ll be working on in the coming year and what I’ll be prepping for. How about you? What will you be doing to prep in the coming weeks and years?
Peace out,