What did you do to prep this week?

This week’s preps – Feb 04 2018

Prepping for me over the past week was not so much. My kid had the flu really bad. So bad that we spent most of Wed. night with him in ER getting checked out and hydrated. I did manage to get a couple things done though. I got a Hatfield SGL shotgun and a Daisy 880. Yesterday I spent some time with the Daisy in the back yard and today I took the Hatfield out. SInce I was taking the shotgun out I also brought my RIA GI Commander and shot it for the first time. It was really nice to get out. I haven’t been shooting in at least 8 months. Managed to pick up about 150 rounds of range brass too…

I’m working on learning skills that might be useful to others, so I picked up a torch and some copper pipe. I want to learn plumbing the old school way. Started researching how to build an Individual First Aid Kit (IFAK) based on this post from PrepperRalph and started getting supplies. Other than that, not a whole lot. It’s getting warm so I need to get off my lazy butt and start getting more things done.

Next week…

Next week is the monthly meeting of a prepper group I belong to. The topic will be Hawaii’s false missile alert. Should be interesting.

What did you do to prep this week?

Peace out,